Bright Cooking Cookbook Review

Bright Cooking Cookbook Review

Title: Bright Cooking: Recipes for the Modern Palate
Author: Camille Becerra
Published: June 25, 2024, Chronicle Books
No. of Pages:
Cover Price: $30.48 Hardcover, $19.49

Bright Cooking: Recipes for the Modern Palate is a delightful cookbook based on healthy ingredients and healthy eating. This is not to say it is a crunchy granola-nuts and seeds-unappetizing foods cookbook (although there are trendy grains and foods traditional eaters (me included) won’t touch). This cookbook includes two sections: basics, and other recipes, which are helpful to anyone who cooks and wants to be healthy without sacrificing color and flavor. Becerra is a renowned chef who knows her stuff, and has created foods that most of us will really want to eat. Starters, snacks, salads, and sides are included, as well as a few main dishes that are based on seafood. Most of the recipes are vegetarian or vegan, which is unfortunate because the flavors she introduces would be good on meats and poultry. She does include a section on seafood which is good, but not enough for most of us.

The sauce section (sauces, broths, flavor pastes) is so good, it’s worth buying this cookbook just for that. This cookbook will be kept handy in my kitchen for almost daily use with the many different concoctions designed to make mundane foods exciting. If you’re looking for healthy main dishes using meat and chicken, you’ll be disappointing as I am.

The cookbook includes beautiful, professional photographs of most of the recipes to make them more tempting, but that isn’t enough for most of us who don’t want to have to go to a health food store or cut out the foods we love just make trendy dishes. This cookbook does have appetizing dishes, but isn’t recommended for most cooks that enjoy both traditional and unique.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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