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g Exercise Site

BellaOnline's Exercise Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Exercise Site! These are the top ten articles that your Exercise Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Easy Exercises to Improve Your Balance
More falls happen to people who are 40+. Statistics show that as we age we are likely to take a fall. Performing these balancing exercises can help you decrease your risk of falling.

2. Best Lower Body Strength Exercises
Your lower body is made up of many muscle groups. During exercise these groups work together to tone and strengthen. Add these best strength exercise for the Lower Body to your workout and see great results.

3. How and Why to get Flexible
We often disregard flexibility as part of our regular workout. We forget that in order to reach, carry, stand up and down, and perform many daily tasks, we need to be flexible. Try these stretches to improve your flexibility.

4. Easy Exercises to Improve Your Balance
More falls happen to people who are 40+. Statistics show that as we age we are likely to take a fall. Performing these balancing exercises can help you decrease your risk of falling.

5. Recumbent Bike HIIT Fat Burning Workout
This recumbent bike fat burning workout is based on HIIT, High Intensity Interval, Training. HIIT is a fantastic workout and does burn lots of calories fast. You are working large muscle groups that provide strength; while the intensity provides a cardio workout great for the heart.

6. Recumbent Bike Fat Burning Workout for Beginners
One of the best ways to get a fat burning workout is on a recumbent bike. This fat burning cardio workout will start you off at a moderate intensity to promote weight loss and strengthen your heart.

7. Your Core Source of Strength and Stability
Five exercises to strengthen your core the source of your strength and stability. By strengthening your core you will stand taller, and stronger muscles will make you appear leaner and more defined.

8. Shape Up with Zumba
Zumba is a strength and cardio fitness program that has taken exercise devotees by storm. Done regularly you cannot help but shape up with Zumba. Zumba exercise classes are ‘fitness-parties’, that blend upbeat world rhythms with easy-to-follow choreography, for a total body workout.

9. Muscle Groups Working Together
It’s easy to forget how amazing your body really is. Your muscle groups work together when you exercise and allow the body to perform efficiently. Try these combination exercises for a total-body workout.

10. Exercise in Bed to Relieve Joint Pain
Sometimes it is an effort getting out of bed due to joint stiffness and pain. Here is a set of exercises you can do in bed that will ease pain and get your body moving.

Be sure to visit the Exercise Archives for all the articles!


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Great Circuit Training Workout

Best Lower Body Strength Exercises

Your Core Source of Strength and Stability

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